Notes are not being detected properly or notes are being detected when I’m not playing.
Make sure you have recently calibrated Solo.
Go to Settings > Note Detection Sensitivity > Start Calibration.
When calibrating don’t play too hard or too soft, just play single notes at what would be your usual level.
If you are using your device’s microphone, try to use Solo in a quiet environment and ensure that you’re guitar is loud enough to provide Solo with a good signal strength to analyze.
Solo is not designed to work with an unplugged electric guitar.
Get in touch if you’re still having issues.
Some of the chord changes are missing.
When Solo launches it looks online for the latest list of chord changes. If your device is not connected to the internet you may find it defaults to an older list and some of the newer additions are missing. All of the current chord changes will reappear the next time you connect to the internet and launch the app.
Solo isn’t detecting notes whilst using an audio interface.
Check that your audio interface is compatible with android and that you’re using the correct cables.
Plug your guitar into one of the Hi-Z/instrument inputs on your audio interface.
Be sure to set your input gain levels correctly on your audio interface input.
Go to Settings > Note Detection Sensitivity > Start Calibration.
When calibrating don’t play too hard or too soft, just at what would be your normal level.
Why am I seeing mixed enharmonics when using the transpose function?
Due to the way many jazz standards and modern chord progressions modulate frequently to new keys for short periods of time, it’s very complex to program an app that can understand the subtleties of enharmonic spellings throughout these temporary modulations.
When using the transpose function, Solo will always show you the ‘correct’ chord and intervallic functions, but occasionally you will see an incorrect enharmonic spelling of a root note. We are actively working on finding a solution for this issue.